Volume 17: Pages 103-113, 2004
The System of Nature
F. H. Wöhlbier
Brandrain 8, CH‐8707 Uetikon/Zürich, Switzerland
The application of information theory both to basic physics and to the emergence of complexity results in the formulation of an “elementary information unit,” which is suggested to have an equally fundamental status in the realm of evolution to that which elementary particles have in the realm of particle physics. Space‐time, fundamental forces, matter‐energy, and information are considered to be the four main parameters that constitute Nature. These parameters and their subparameters are shown to be interrelated, and a tentative self‐consistent model of the underlying ontological structure of Nature is presented. This preliminary model tends to support Wheeler's “It from Bit” presumption. It suggests furthermore that space‐time may consist of discrete units and that consciousness has an equal ontological status to that of the laws of physics.
Keywords: complexity, consciousness, elementary particle, elementary information unit, fundamental forces, information, nature, matter‐energy, space‐time, theory of everything, TOE
Received: November 7, 2003; Published online: December 15, 2008