An International Journal Dedicated to Fundamental Questions in Physics
The Elite Journal since 1988
Volume 26 No. 2 (June 2013)
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1. Ronald R. Hatch, Gravitational clocks and apparent relativity
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2. Håkan Wennerström and Per-Olof Westlund, On Stern–Gerlach coincidence measurements and their application to Bell's theorem
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3. Dean L. Mamas, An intrinsic quantum state interpretation of quantum mechanics
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4. Ming-Hui Shao, The energy loss of photons and cosmological redshift
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5. Philippe Noel, Is the speed of light in empty space constant?
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6. Bayarsaikhan Choisuren and Itgel Bayarsaikhan, New aether sink model for gravity
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7. Karl De Paepe, A theorem relating irrotational velocity to conservation of probability density in quantum mechanics
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8. Donald A. Graft, A local realist account of Weihs, Jennewein, Simon, Weinfurther, and Zeilinger EPRB experiment
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9 Abdul L. Bhuiyan, Qualitative nuclear structures in terms of clusters of quarks
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10. Martin Tamm, Time's arrow from the multiverse point of view
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11. Eyal Brodet, Hypothesized lepton inner discreteness
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12. Himanshu Chauhan, Swati Rawal, and R. K. Sinha, Wave-particle duality revitalized: Rectifications, verifications, and applications
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13. V. K. Gudym, and E. V. Andreeva, Quantum mechanics of a hydrogen atom: A new look at problems and a new approach to their explanation
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14. Richard Woesler, Many emulations version of quantum physics as theory of everything (TOE) analyzes quantum probabilities question, randomness, the simplicity of quantum rules
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15. David Zareski, Fields and wave-particle reciprocity as changes in an elastic medium: The ether
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16. Benjamin B. Dayton, Hydrodynamic theory of magnetic fields
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17. Walter Petry, Modified Hubble law
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18. Janusz Drożdżyński, A revision of the principle of relativity
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19. Edward J. Parr, A quantum-wave hypothesis to explain light-matter interactions: Implications for electrostatic and nuclear forces
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