2 PDF - Harry Ian Epstein, The mechanics of discontinuous quantum motion (III): Trajectory and gravity

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Volume 23: Pages 6-13, 2010

The mechanics of discontinuous quantum motion (III): Trajectory and gravity

Harry Ian Epstein 1

1259 Maple Hill Road, Glencoe, Illinois 60022, USA

The model of discontinuous quantum motion based on the quantum hop/quantum stop hypothesis is extended to encompass an electron’s trajectory, proposing a semiclassical mechanism for rectilinear motion and effects due to gravity. Just as space and time changes are treated in an independent and alternating fashion, general relativity could also be dissected by assigning the Weyl and Ricci tensors to the quantum stop duration and quantum hop direction, respectively. The electron is treated as a Machian absorbing blackbody where its zero-point energy is calculated as equivalent to a system with an oscillatory degree of freedom kT and three translational degrees of freedom                         . Overlying this electron model onto four-dimensional spacetime coordinates allows one to apply the Kaluza–Klein five-dimensional approach (due to a compactified oscillatory dimension) which historically allowed for the derivation of Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism. The electron mass is calculated within 12% of its experimental value.

Keywords: Discontinuous Motion, Quantum Field Theory, Zero-Point Energy, Machian Absorber, Blackbody, General Relativity, Kaluza–Klein, Maxwell’s Equations

Received: December 31, 2008; Accepted: October 3, 2009; Published Online: February 3, 2010