12. Reiner Georg Ziefle, Unification of the four fundamental forces of nature by a binary quantum model

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Volume 29: Pages 81-106, 2016




Unification of the four fundamental forces of nature by a binary quantum model




Reiner Georg Ziefle a)




Philosophische Fakultät der FernUniversität Hagen, Brunnenstrasse 17, 91598 Colmberg, Germany




The binary quantum model introduced here makes it possible to place the four basic fundamental forces on a common basis and to understand why the phenomena “dark energy” and “dark matter” must be indirect effects of gravity. It is also shown how the so-called fine-structure constant α and the Planck constant can be derived from experimental results.




Le modèle quantique binaire présenté ici permet de placer les quatre forces physiques fondamentales sur une base commune, et de comprendre pourquoi les phénomènes de "l'énergie sombre" et de la "matière sombre" doivent être des effets indirects de la gravité. Il est également montré comment la constante α dite de structure fine et la constante de Planck se laissent dériver de résultats expérimentaux.




Key words: Unification of the Four Fundamental Forces; New Theory of Gravitation (NTG); Dark Energy; Dark Matter; Special Theory of Relativity; General Theory of Relativity; Binary Quantum Theory (BQT); Anomalous Secular Increase of the Moon Orbit Eccentricity; Allais Effect; Minimum Energy Principle.




Received: July 22, 2014 Accepted: January 11, 2016; Published Online: February 2, 2016



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