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Volume 13: Pages 230-247, 2000
From Doubly Excited States of Helium to Triply Excited States of Lithium
François J. Wuilleumier
Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Atomique et Ionique, UMR‐CNRS n 8624 and Universite&´ Paris Sud, B. 350, 91405‐Orsay Cedex, France
The field of atomic photoionization over the past 40 years has been dominated by the concepts introduced by Ugo Fano at the beginning of the 1960s. After a short summary of his autoionization theory and a presentation of the present status of the potentialities offered by the latest sources of synchrotron radiation, two subjects are chosen to illustrate how the experimental research has been guided by Fano's ideas: the doubly excited states in helium and the triply excited states in lithium. By following the continuous progress of the information gained over the years, the most striking feature is that Fano's name is always present, at the beginning as well as at the end of the story.
Keywords: electron correlations, multiply excited states, Rydberg series, lifetime broadening, autoionization, Auger decay, photoelectron spectrometry, synchrotron radiation, photon‐atom interactions, third‐generation synchrotron sources
Received: September 12, 2000; Published online: December 15, 2008