4. E. Praveczki, A New Theory of Time, Space, and Relativity

$25.00 each

Volume 3: Pages 224-251, 1990)

A New Theory of Time, Space, and Relativity

E. Praveczki 1

1Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow 79 U.S.S.R.

The theory of relativity developed by Einstein is criticized from many points of view. In addition to the criticism, a solution of the problem is proposed. This involves a drastic change to the basis of Einstein's theory. The definitions of time and proper time of Einstein's theory of relativity must be interchanged (it is the proper time of Einstein's theory that must be synchronized); the length and the fourth component of the spacevector of Minkowski space must also be interchanged. On the basis of this suggestion, a new theory of relativity can be built, which differs remarkably from that created by Einstein and his followers, but is a direct extension of the GalileoNewtonian theory. The basic statements of the new theory are as follows: Time is absolute (it is invariant under a change of one inertial frame to another); threedimensional space is absolute (the length element is invariant and absolute rest exists); threedimensional space is closed end expanding; light velocity is infinitely large; actionsatdistances (nonlocal interactions) can occur (the electromagnetic interactions are, in accordance with the former statement, examples); the possibility for rigid bodies to occur (elementary particles can have nonzero radii) cannot be excluded. The gravitational forces determined on the basis of EinsteinHilbert field equations realize actionsatdistances, too, and do not lead to event horizons (black holes). In the cases of actionsatdistances, the conservation laws of energy, momentum, etc., are ensured with the help of potential energy, potential momentum, etc., which correspond to Newtonian physics. Particles with imaginary masses are not “faster than light” within our theory of time, space, and relativity, but they move perpendicularly to the threedimensional space and are confined by gravitational fields. We are convinced that quarks have imaginary (complex?) masses.

Keywords: relativity, time, space, actionatadistance, gravity, tachyon, black hole

Received: April 5, 1989; Published Online: December 15, 2008