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Volume 36: Pages 464-465, 2023
On the propagation of light and the existence of physical distances
Berat Tuğrul Uğurlua)
422 Street, 5/4, 54100, Adapazari, Sakarya, Turkey
We will show that the prepositions: Propagation of light and existence of physical distances, together form a circular reasoning fallacy. Thereby, we will claim that we do not have an implicit proof for the propagation of light and the existence of physical distances.
Nous démontrerons que la prémisse de la propagation de la lumière et l’existence de distances physiques forment un sophisme de raisonnement circulaire. Par conséquent, nous soutiendrons qu’il n’existe pas de preuve implicite de la propagation de la lumière et de l’existence des distances physiques.
Key words: Propagation of Light; Physical Distance; Euclidean Geometry; Logical Fallacy; Circular Reasoning; Begging the Question; Petitio Principii; Foundations of Physics; Physical Reality; Point Universe.
Received: August 21, 2023; Accepted: November 9, 2023; Published Online: November 30, 2023
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