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Volume 32: Pages 460-462, 2019
Counterexample and example of the principle of relativity
Masanori Satoa)
Honda Electronics Co., Ltd., 20 Oyamazuka, Oiwa-cho, Toyohashi, Aichi 441–3193, Japan
In the Earth-centered locally inertial coordinate system, the Principle of Relativity is not satisfied when using the experimental data of the global positioning system (GPS). The clocks in the GPS satellites tick off time more slowly by the velocity vG¼4 km/s after elimination of the gravitational effects. Between two local gravity fields, the Principle of Relativity is satisfied.
Dans le système de coordonnées localement inertiel centré sur la Terre, le Principe de la Relativité n'est pas satisfait lors de l'utilisation des données expérimentales du système de positionnement global (GPS). Les horloges des satellites GPS mesurent plus lentement le temps a la vitesse vG = 4 km/s après l’élimination des effets de la gravitation. Entre deux champs de gravité locaux, le Principe de la Relativité est satisfait.
Key words: Principle of Relativity; Reference Frame; Earth-Centered Locally Inertial Coordinate System; Global Positioning System; GPS.
Received May 30, 2019; Accepted: September 25, 2019; Published Online: October 24, 2019
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