3. Svetozar Jovićević, Energy transfer through discretely structured vacuum

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Volume 32: Pages 439-440, 2019


Energy transfer through discretely structured vacuum


Svetozar Jovićevića)


Kosmajska 56, Podgorica 81124, Montenegro


It is shown that energy quantization naturally follows from a discrete structure of the vacuum. Its basic element is the etheron, which is an atomlike system of electron and positron in a bound state. The speed of the electron within the etheron is close to the light velocity.


Il est montré que la quantification d'énergie découle naturellement de la structure discrète du vacuum. Son élément de base est l'étheron qui est un système d'électron et de positron dans un état lié semblable à un atome. La vitesse de l'électron dans l'étheron est proche de la vitesse de la lumière.


Key words: Energy Quantization; Energy Quant; Planck’s Constant.


Received June 13, 2019; Accepted: August 27, 2019; Published Online: October 4, 2019


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