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Volume 16: Pages 131-135, 2003
A Proposed Experiment on Consciousness‐Related Quantum Teleportation
Boris Kožnjak
History and Philosophy of Science Division, Faculty of Science — Physics Department, University of Zagreb, Bijenička c. 32, P.O. Box 331, 10002 Zagreb, Croatia
The existence of nonlocal Einstein‐Podolsky‐Rosen correlations between pairs of human brains has been indicated in the Grinberg‐Zylberbaum et al. experiments (GZEs) and several other subsequent experiments. In this paper a modification of GZEs is proposed and discussed by means of a simple model. The proposed experiment, inspired by the famous Innsbruck experiment on quantum teleportation performed by Zeilinger et al., is a sort of consciousness‐related quantum teleportation a nd i nvolves t hree subjects in the entanglement scheme of the Innsbruck experiment. The proposed experiment is believed to be not only an improvement on the original GZEs but also the core of new types of experiments on and investigations of the foundations of quantum‐mechanical consciousness.
Keywords: EPR nonlocal correlations, brain‐state correlations, biological nonlocality, consciousness‐related quantum entanglement, consciousness‐related quantum teleportation
Received: February 28, 2003; Published online: December 15, 2008