Volume 17: Pages 49-70, 2004
Quantum Coherence Within Atoms and the Universe
Danker L. N. Vink
Playa Hundu 19, Groot Santa Martha, CuraÇao, Netherlands Antilles
In an earlier paper we showed that quantum entities — when assumed to be instantaneously interconnected particles — can collectively behave like waves. In this essay we investigate other forms of coherent behavior. Electrons quite naturally congregate to create atoms, thereby not traveling in an orbit around the nucleus and continuously dissipating energy but forming networks of longitudinal standing waves on shells at various distances from the nucleus. Mendeleev's stable configurations with 2, 8, 18, or 32 electrons in the valence shell can be retrieved, while Pauli's exclusion principle can be justified in terms of physical causation. The phenomenon of spin of electrons in atoms is not caused by their own rotation but results from the fact that each electron moving to and fro produces two magnetic fields in opposite directions. Also the universe itself shows coherent behavior; it is still in a far from equilibrium state. The universe started with a very low entropy level, as thermodynamically it is a closed system. Right from the beginning, a network of standing waves of radiation spanned the whole, extremely small, four‐dimensional universe with strongly positive curvature, while complexification began in the slightly cooler regions of the nodes. Electromagnetic fields created gigantic structures, but this fabric is being torn up by the expansion of the universe. Plasma whirlwinds of stars are fragmented into smaller vortices of protoplanets and satellites. The Titius‐Bode rule can be explained. In a new cosmological model, Einstein's gravity and the de Sitter force that causes the universe to expand result from direct influences from the past.
Keywords: quantum coherence, model of the atom, noble gas configuration, exclusion principle, spin, cosmogony, plasma whirlwinds, Titius‐Bode rule, gravity, de Sitter force
Received: August 12, 2003; Published online: December 15, 2008