4. Abdul L. Bhuiyan, Effect of the Strong Field on the Magnitude of the Bohr Magneton

$25.00 each

Volume 18: Pages 309-314, 2005

Effect of the Strong Field on the Magnitude of the Bohr Magneton

Abdul L. Bhuiyan

Box 13, Head Post Office, Comilla 3500 Bangladesh

An increase in field strength is accompanied by a decrease in the magnitude of the Bohr magneton, which, in turn, is accompanied by a decrease in the magnitude of the orbital magnetic moment that leads eventually to the quenching of the orbital motion, thus transforming the spinorbit coupling state, introducing the anomalous Zeeman effect into the spinonly state where the normal Zeeman effect is observed.

Keywords: Bohr magneton, Zeeman effects, anomalous Zeeman effect, normal Zeeman effect, nonconstancy of Bohr magneton, spinorbit coupling, orbital momentum quenching, spinonly transitions, strongfield Zeeman splitting, interaction of magnetic moments

Received: January 28, 2004; Published online: December 15, 2008