14. Richard Woesler, Many emulations version of quantum physics as theory of everything (TOE) analyzes quantum probabilities question, randomness, the simplicity of quantum rules

$25.00 each

Volume 26: Pages 282-287, 2013

Many emulations version of quantum physics as theory of everything (TOE) analyzes quantum probabilities question, randomness, the simplicity of quantum rules

Richard Woesler a)

Vorm Burgtor 5, 48249 Duelmen, Germany

This simplified study draws the following conclusions. We might live in a many emulations version of many worlds quantum theory, which is sketched here and called many emulations quantum theory, constituting a theory of everything. From here quantum randomness and quantum probabilities might emerge. Probabilities could be extremely slightly different than in traditional quantum theory. It is explained why physical laws, i.e., quantum rules, could be identical here as they are far away.

Cette étude simplifiée tire les conclusions qui suivent. On pourrait vivre dans une version multi-émulations d'une théorie quantique multimondes qui est esquissée ici et appelée théorie quantique multi-émulations, constituant une théorie de tout. De là pourraient émerger un aléa quantique et des probabilités quantiques. Les probabilités pourraient être extrêmement peu différentes de celles propres à la théorie quantique traditionnelle. Cett étude explique pourquoi les lois physiques, c'est-à-dire les règles quantiques, pourraient être identiques ici à celles régnant loin d'ici.

Keywords: Quantum Theory, Many Worlds Theory, Quantum Probabilities, Randomness, Physical Laws, Quantum Rules

Received: November 7, 2010; Accepted: March 17, 2013; Published Online: May 8, 2013

a)This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.