Volume 23: Pages 75-87, 2010
The story of gravity and Lambda—How the theory of Heraclitus solved the dark matter mystery
Conrad Ranzan 1
1DSSU Research, 5145 Second Ave., Niagara Falls, L2E 4J8, Canada
Two cosmologies are compared with the focus on gravity and Lambda and the relationship between these opposite dynamic effects. The traditional World View has—by maintaining gravity and Lambda as opposites in conflict—burdened itself with the so called dark matter mystery. The other, the new cosmology, by incorporating an ancient principle made famous by Heraclitus, models gravity and Lambda as complimentary and nonconflicting effects. Remarkably, the two effects on the cosmic scale actually amplify each other. It is clearly shown how gravity “pulls” a galaxy cluster together, while Lambda simultaneously “pushes” it together. The dark matter mystery simply vanishes. Based on the essential difference in the treatment of gravity, a new picture of the universe emerges. While Conventional Cosmology struggles to explain the large scale structure, the New Cosmology (the Dynamic Steady State Universe) incorporates the universe’s natural processes to achieve its natural arrangement—cosmic cellular structure.
Keywords: Cosmology, Large-Scale Structure of the Universe, Gravitation, Cosmological Constant (Lambda), Dark Energy, Heraclitus, Opposites in Harmony, Cosmic Cellular Structure, Dynamic Steady State Universe, DSSU
Received: April 13, 2009; Accepted: December 13, 2009; Published Online: February 22, 2010