15. Borros Arneth, The role of the algebraic presign ....

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Volume 36: Pages 107-111, 2023

The role of the algebraic presign of the terms in the particles partition function

Borros Arnetha)

Philipps University Marburg, Baldinger Str 1, 35033 Marburg, Germany


The algebraic sign of the first two terms of the novel partition function describing quantum chromodynamics and the standard model in particular, i.e., the sign of a and b, seems to play a decisive role in the calculation of the particle energies and masses. This role is discussed in the following.


Le signe algébrique des deux premiers termes de la fonction de partition microcanonique décrivant la chromodynamique quantique et le modèle standard en particulier, c'est-à-dire le signe de a et b, semble jouer un rôle décisif dans le calcul des énergies et des masses des particules. Ce rôle est discuté dans ce qui suit.


Key words: Standard Model; Masses and Energies of Particles; Origin of Masses; Partition Function.


Received: June 28, 2022; Accepted: February 4, 2023; Published Online: February 23, 2023


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