14. Stephan J. G. Gift, Tests of the one-way speed of light relative to a moving observer

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Volume 33: Pages 348-354, 2020

Tests of the one-way speed of light relative to a moving observer

Stephan J. G. Gifta)

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies


Three tests of the one-way speed of light relative to a moving observer, which invalidate the principle of light speed constancy, are reviewed. These tests are corroborated by easily demonstrating light speed variation using Doppler shift for moving observers.


Trois tests de la vitesse unidirectionnelle de la lumière par rapport à un observateur en mouvement qui invalident le principe de la constance de la vitesse de la lumière sont passés en revue. Ces tests sont corroborés en démontrant facilement la variation de la vitesse de la lumière en utilisant le décalage Doppler pour les observateurs en mouvement


Key words: One-Way Speed of Light; Time Transfer; Range Equations; Postulate of Light Speed Constancy; Selleri Transformations; Sun-Centered Inertial Frame; Earth-Centered Inertial Frame; global positioning system (GPS).


Received: April 24, 2020; Accepted: August 4, 2020; Published Online: August 28, 2020


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