16. Stephan J. G. Gift, Inconsistency in relativistic derivations of the Sagnac effect

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Volume 31: Pages 228-232, 2018


Inconsistency in relativistic derivations of the Sagnac effect


Stephan J. G. Gifta)


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies


This paper discusses two important relativistic derivations of the Sagnac effect available in the literature. In both cases, it is shown that these two methods also predict anisotropic light speeds that are inconsistent with the principle of light speed constancy required to hold in the comoving inertial frame on a rotating platform. We refer to Selleri’s work for a consistent derivation of the effect.


Cet article traite de deux dérivations relativistes importantes de l'effet Sagnac disponibles dans la littérature. Dans les deux cas, il est démontré que ces deux méthodes prédisent également des vitesses de lumière anisotropes qui sont incompatibles avec le principe de la constance de la vitesse de la lumière nécessaire dans le cadre inertiel co-mobile sur une plate-forme tournante. Nous nous référons au travail de Selleri pour une dérivation cohérente de l'effet.


Key words: Special Relativity; Time Dilation; Langevin Metric; Minkowski Space-Time; Relativistic Velocity Composition; Principle of Light Speed Constancy; Sagnac Effect.


Received: November 5, 2017; Accepted: May 12, 2018; Published Online: May 29, 2018


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