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Volume 30: Pages 224-225, 2017
The effects of intermolecular energy transfers on power cycle efficiency
David Van Den Eindea)
1284 170th St., Bejou, Minnesota 56516, USA
Power cycle efficiency can be affected by the shift of energy between molecular potential and translational during the expansion and contraction of its working fluid. How the thermodynamic interrelationships between the absolute temperature of a compound’s normal boiling point, its van der Walls forces, molecular weight, and density determine the magnitude of these shifts and their effect on cycle efficiency is discussed.
Le rendement du cycle de puissance peut être affectée par le changement d’énergie entre potentiel moléculaire et translation pendent l’expansion et la contraction de son fluide de travail. On discute ici comment les relations thermodynamiques entre la température absolue du point d'ébullition normal d'un composé, ses forces de van der Walls, le poids moléculaire, et la densité déterminent la valeur de ces changements et leurs effets sur le rendement du cycle.
Key words: Molecular Thermodynamics; Trouton’s Constant; Power Cycle; Second Law of Thermodynamics; Carnot Efficiency.
Received: February 8, 2017; Accepted: April 6, 2017; Published Online: April 27, 2017
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