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Volume 29: Pages 113-116, 2016
Time Doppler effect
Shukri Klinaku a)
University of Prishtina, Sheshi Nëna Terezë, 10000, Prishtina, Kosovo
The “time Doppler effect” can be defined by considering the times when observers receive information about an event in relative motion. If we apply this type of Doppler effect, then all aspects of relative motion can be explained much better and more simply.
L’ “Effet Doppler temporel“ peut être défini en tenant compte des moments où les observateurs reçoivent des informations sur un événement en mouvement relatif. Si nous appliquons ce type d'effet Doppler, puis tous les aspects du mouvement relatif peuvent être expliqués beaucoup mieux et plus simplement.
Key words: Galilean Motion; Doppler Effect; Time of Information; Special Relativity.
Received: March 15, 2015; Accepted: January 22, 2016; Published Online: February 10, 2016
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