15. T. C. Scott and D. Andrae, Quantum nonlocality and conservation of momentum

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Volume 28: Pages 374-385, 2015

Quantum nonlocality and conservation of momentum

T. C. Scott1,a)and D. Andrae2,b)

1College of Physics and Optoelectronics, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030024, China

2Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Institut fu¨r Chemie und Biochemie, Freie Universita¨t Berlin, Takustr. 3, D-14195 Berlin, Germany


Herein, we review a many-body relativistic theory in the context of quantum entanglement and nonlocality. We extract from a collection of charged particles a formulation which obeys (i) particle–particle symmetry, (ii) conservation rules for the total canonical momentum and total energy, (iii) Maxwell’s equations, and (iv) relativistic invariance. An important aspect related to quantum entanglement is the existence and the formulation of a conservation law for total generalized momenta within a relativistic action-at-a-distance framework for such a collection of charged particles. It is thus found that there is more correspondence between some of the older Machian notions of classical mechanics and quantum entanglement than previously realized and it is suggested that the apparent nonlocal effects in quantum mechanics can be explained without having to resort to any violation of causality thanks to a “handshake” principle resulting from Hamilton’s principle applied to a closed system of charged particles as a whole ensemble.


Nous faisons ici un état de l'art d’une théorie relativiste de plusieurs corps dansle contexte de la th´eorie quantique non-locale. A partirdune collection de particules charg´ees, nousobtenons une formule qui satisfait (i)`l asym´etrie particule-particule, (ii) lesr`egles de conservation de l´energie et de la quantit´e de mouvement g´en´eralis´ee, (iii) les´équations de Maxwell, (iv) l’invariance relativiste (l’invariance de Poinca). Un aspect important li´e `a la th´eorie quantique non-locale est l’existence, pour une collection de particules charg´ees,dune loi de conservation de la quantit´e de mouvement g´en´eralis´ee totale dans un cadre daction-a`-distance relativiste. Par rapport aux travaux pr´ec´edents,on constate davantage de correspondances entre, dune part, certaines notions anciennes du principe de Mach de la m´ecanique classique et, dautre part, la th´eorie quantique non-locale. Nous faisons la proposition que les effets non-locaux apparaissant dans la mécanique quantique peuvent s’expliquer sans recours à la violation de causalité grâce à un principe de “poignée de mains” résultant du principe de moindre action appliqué à un système fermé de particules chargées dans tout son ensemble.


Key words: Quantum Nonlocality; Conservation of Momentum.


Received: March 19, 2015; Accepted: August 8, 2015; Published Online: September 3, 2015



