11.C. L. Herzenberg, Examining the Origin of Cosmic Rays: A New Conceptual Approach

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Volume 14: Pages 171-176, 2001

Examining the Origin of Cosmic Rays: A New Conceptual Approach

C. L. Herzenberg

1700 E. 56th Street, #2707, Chicago, Illinois 606375092 U.S.A.

A new conceptual approach for examining the origin of cosmic rays is developed by considering the characteristics of particle trajectory distributions in fourdimensional Euclidean spacetime. Transformation of an isotropic distribution into a velocity distribution in ordinary threedimensional space results in a spatially isotropic flux of highly relativistic particles. This particle flux exhibits a powerlaw energy spectrum that decreases with increasing energy approximately as E−2 and peaks at much lower energies.

Keywords: cosmic rays, cosmic radiation, cosmic ray origin, cosmic ray source, Euclidean spacetime

Received: August 20, 2001; Published online: December 15, 2008