5. Melvin S. Cook, Reduction and a Critical Test

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Volume 15: Pages 393-404, 2002

Reduction and a Critical Test

Melvin S. Cook

Holobeam, Inc., P.O. Box 287, 217 First Street, Hohokus, New Jersey 07423 U.S.A.

A model is developed for the reduction of an individual system ψ from an undulatory state with spatial extension to a particle. The key to the responsible interaction is suggested by its ability to provide a possible physical source for the complex conjugate required for a real product. This interaction can collapse the field of a unit wavelength segment of ψ and release its content of conserved properties as free quanta that correspond in magnitude to those detected in experiments. Since the quanta detected have definite magnitudes, conservation requires that such a system not disperse. The collapse causes ψ to shrink, and if it progresses during a measurement, ψ reduces to a particle. This model allows direct derivations of the de Broglie and uncertainty relationships. The reduction process gives distributions that exhibit a relative statistical frequency with a first order term identical in form to the Born probability postulate, but that includes other contributions. Measurements of a conserved property on two systems with a common source that share a conserved property exhibit EPRtype correlations. The reduction process suggests a mechanism for EPR correlations based on simultaneous allocations via local interactions. Since relativity is a wellverified theory, these correlations can be considered a successful critical test of the reduction model.

Keywords: reduction, probability, EPR

Received: June 18, 2002; Published online: December 15, 2008