10 PDF - Zaheer Uddin, M. Saeed, Esam H. AbdulHafith, and Khursheed A. Siddiqui, An analytical potential function for stable diatomic molecules

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Volume 25: Pages 540-546, 2012

An analytical potential function for stable diatomic molecules

Zaheer Uddin 1,2,4,a), M. Saeed 2, Esam H. AbdulHafith 1, and Khursheed A. Siddiqui 3

1Yanbu University College, 510000 Yanbu, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2Department of Physics, University of Karachi, Karachi 75270, Pakistan

3Department of Physics, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah 21589, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

4Technical University Graz, Graz 8010, Austria

We propose an analytical five-parameter potential function for stable diatomic molecules V(x) = K/x3etx(a + bx + cx2). Here x = r/re, where r is the internuclear distance and re the equilibrium bond length. K, t, a, b, c are five parameters of the function, which are obtained from molecular spectroscopic data in terms of known molecular constants.

Nous proposons une fonction potentielle analytique à cinq paramètres pour des molécules diatomiques stable: V(x) = K/x3etx(a + bx + cx2). Ici, x = r/re, r est la distance internucléaire, et re est la longueur de lien d'équilibre. K, t, a, b, c sont les cinq paramètres de la fonction, qui sont obtenus de données spectroscopiques moléculaires en termes des constantes moléculaire connues.

Key words: Analytical Potential Function, Empirical Model, Potential Function, Diatomic Molecule.

Received: March 13, 2012; Accepted: September 10, 2012; Published Online: November 1, 2012

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