Volume 18: Pages 525-529, 2005
Superluminal Effect for Quantum Computation that Utilizes Tunneling Photons
Takaaki Musha
MRI 3‐11‐7‐601 Namiki, Kanazwa‐ku, Yokohama 236‐0005 Japan
Recent optical experiments have verified that superluminal pulse propagation can occur in the tunneling effect. These results indicate that the process of tunneling in quantum physics is superluminal, as claimed by E. Recami. The author verified these experimental results and has shown that the computation utilizing tunneling photons has the possibility to achieve much more efficient computer systems as compared with conventional silicon processors.
Keywords: superluminal particle, tunneling photon, evanescent mode, quantum computer
Received: January 14, 2005; Published online: December 15, 2008