3. Xuguang Shi, Gauge Bosons Gain Mass by Quantization of the Gauge Field

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Volume 18: Pages 454-461, 2005

Gauge Bosons Gain Mass by Quantization of the Gauge Field

Xuguang Shi

College of Science #23, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083, People's Republic of China

Gauge bosons are assumed to gain mass by the Higgs mechanism in the standard model. The Higgs mechanism means that there is vacuum spontaneous symmetry breakdown. The vector bosons W+ and W have mass gv/2; Z0 has mass (g2 + g′2)1/2v/2 in the standard model of the electroweak interaction. But Higgs particles have not been observed in experiment. In this paper we first imagine a kind of transformation in the Higgs mechanism. Then we make the gauge fields acquire mass through the gauge condition of the path integral without using the Higgs mechanism. Also, we find our result is the same as the Higgs mechanism.

Keywords: Higgs mechanism, standard model, gauge transformation, path integral

Received: December 6, 2002; Published online: December 15, 2008