2. Miguel Lunetta, nertia's Role in Electron Pair Production

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Volume 19: Pages 314-316, 2006

Inertia's Role in Electron Pair Production

Miguel Lunetta 1

1Caixa Postal 1144, Centra João Pessoa, CEP 58010970 PBBrasil

We study, in this paper, how the inertial field acts in the process of creating an electron and a positron through photon annihilation. Initially, the inertial potential energy is added to the term of kinetic energy. Then the onedimensional de Broglie plane wave for free electrons is chosen as the wavefunction and used as a solution of the Schrödinger timedependent equation. From this the creation field and, by virtue of its conservation property, the creation force Fcr are deduced.

Keywords: photon annihilation, pair creation, de Broglie plane wave for free electrons, Schrödinger timedependent equation, inertial potential field, inertial force, pair creation field, pair creation force

Received: December 11, 2003; Published Online: December 15, 2008