An International Journal Dedicated to Fundamental Questions in Physics
The Elite Journal since 1988
Volume 26: Pages 577-577, 2013
Comment on “New insights into Gödel’s universe without time” [Phys. Essays 26, 113 (2013)]
Sanford Aranoffa)
Department of Mathematics, Rider University, Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648, USA
Sorli discusses the nature of time [Phys. Essays 26, 113 (2013)]. He could have added references to other work supporting the idea that time does not exist. Barbour wrote a book on this, and Aranoff published a paper clarifying the idea.
Sorli traite de la nature du temps [Phys. Essays 26, 113 (2013)]. Il aurait pu ajouter des références à d’autres travaux de recherche illustrant l’idée que le temps n’existe pas. Barbour a écrit un livre à ce sujet, et Aranoff a publié un essai clarifiant cette notion.
Key words: Time; Physical Theory; Universe; Special Relativity; Fourth Dimension
Received: June 11, 2013; Accepted: September 28, 2013; Published Online: December 30, 2013
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