1. Emory Taylor and Rajan Iyer, Einstein’s questioning and ....

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Volume 35: Pages 321-321, 2022

Einstein’s questioning and speculations lead to theoretical photon momentum

Emory Taylor1,a) and Rajan Iyer2,b)

1100 W. Main St., Apt 715 Bloomfield, 47424 Indiana, USA

2Engineeringinc International Operational Teknet Earth Global, Tempe, 85283 Arizona, USA


Theoretical photon momentum results from (1) using Einstein’s paper questioning whether a body’s inertia depended on its energy content, and (2) using two previously published papers that followed Einstein’s 1954 speculations that (a) it is possible physics is based on a discontinuum theory, and (b) the continuum concept along with space and time must be discarded.

L'impulsion théorique des photons résulte de 1) l'utilisation de l'article d'Einstein se demandant si l'inertie dépendait de son contenu énergétique, et 2) en utilisant deux articles publiés précédemment qui ont suivi Les spéculations d'Einstein en 1954 selon lesquelles a) il est possible que la physique soit basée sur une théorie du discontinu, et b) la le concept de continuum ainsi que l'espace et le temps doivent être rejetés.


Key words: Photon Momentum; Discontinuum Physics; Einstein.

Received: June 12, 2022; Accepted: August 28, 2022; Published Online: September 12, 2022


a)This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

b)This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.