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Volume 32: Pages 480-483, 2019
Electromagnetic radiation and inertial forces
Nasko Elektronov1,a) and Zhivko Kushev2,b)
1Central Laboratory of Applied Physics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sankt Peterburg Bul. 61,
4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2Research Center Paradigma Ltd, Mladen Pavlov Str., 1A, 1124 Sofia, Bulgaria
The influence of the Coriolis inertial force generated by the orbital and spin motions of distant objects on the electromagnetic radiation energies during the exchange of photons between such objects has been considered. A red or blue spectral shift occurrence in a passive observation mode that is not associated with the Doppler effect or other known effects has also been shown. The relations found are used to calculate the spectral shifts for several nearby stars from our galaxy, as well as the spectral shifts of several galaxies. The results are close to the values currently observed.
L’étude examine l’influence de la force inertielle de Coriolis provoquée par des mouvements d’orbite ou des mouvements d’un spin d’objets éloignés sur les énergies des rayonnements électromagnétiques lors de la propagation de photons. Elle démontre l’apparition d’un déplacement spectral rouge ou bleu non lié à l’effet Doppler ou à d’autres effets connus. Grâce aux dépendances découvertes et expliquées dans l’article, sont calculés les déplacements d’étoiles proches de notre galaxie, ainsi que les déplacements spectraux d’autres galaxies. Les résultats obtenus sont proches des valeurs constatées dans des observations récentes.
Key words: Observer; Inertial Forces; Coriolis Force; Noninertial Coordinate System; Photon Energy; Photon; Redshift; Blueshift.
Received: August 31, 2019; Accepted: November 13, 2019; Published Online: November 28, 2019
a)This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
b)This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.