3. Peter Jakubowski, Consequences of the unification in physics. V. Global climate reconstruction and forecast

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Volume 29: Pages 471-476, 2016



Consequences of the unification in physics. V. Global climate reconstruction and forecast



Peter Jakubowskia)



Oranienburger Str. 70, 40599 Duesseldorf, Germany



Here, we demonstrate the detailed practical application of the idea of the Cosmic Hierarchy of our Solar System to the important problem of the reconstruction and forecasting of the short and medium global-climate changes on Earth.



Ici nous démontrons une application pratique détaillée de l´idée d´une Hierarchie Cosmique du Système Solaire au problème important de la reconstruction et la prédiction à court et à moyen terme du changement climatique global sur Terre.



Key words: Unified Physics; Reliable Climate Model; Reliable Climate Policy; Global Warming; Global Cooling.


Received: October 25, 2015; Accepted: August 20, 2016; Published Online: September 20, 2016



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