16. J. S. Briggs, M. Walter, Oscillatory Structure of Molecular Photoionization Cross Sections

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Volume 13: Pages 297-302, 2000

Oscillatory Structure of Molecular Photoionization Cross Sections

J. S. Briggs, M. Walter

Theoretical Quantum Dynamics, University of Freiburg, 79014 Freiburg, Germany

Oscillatory structure in electron angular distributions, due to interference between electron waves scattered from different centers, is a central theme in the use of photoionization to explore extended structures (molecules, solids, surfaces, etc.). The very simplest case, photoionization of H2+, was analyzed long ago by Cohen and Fano [Phys. Rev. 150, 30 (1966)]. Here we extend their analysis and show that similar effects are to be expected in the relatively new field of photo double ionization of small molecules.

Keywords: photoionization, H2 molecule, electron correlation, interference structures

Received: May 15, 2000; Published online: December 15, 2008