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Volume 15: Pages 183-198, 2002
Quarks May Be Identified as Strongly Bound Leptons
Gordon A. Rodley, Bruce A. M. Moon
55 Marine Drive, Diamond Harbour, RD1 Lyttelton, New Zealand
A model for the composition of subnuclear particles is proposed in which the constituents are strongly bound leptons. The model is shown to be consistent with a variety of experimental evidence and to provide straightforward explanations of observed decays and interactions for all three generations of hadrons and for gauge bosons. The processes taking place in these reactions are identified. A conclusion of the study is that antimatter is essentially contained within the matter world.
Keywords: particle physics, subnuclear particles, quark, bound lepton model, lepton, gauge boson, antimatter
Received: July 10, 2001; Published online: December 15, 2008