Volume 15: Pages 257-263, 2002
Cylindrical Particles: The Half‐Particle and the Particle of Light of Classical Electrodynamics
Y. Keilman
3434 Hawthorne Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97402 U.S.A.
Some solutions of the equations of extended classical electrodynamics (CED) in cylindrical coordinates are discussed. The particles described here propagate at the speed of light and cannot be at rest. They have zero mass. The solutions fall into two categories: 1. The second category: The particle of light should be considered as the classical equivalent of a quantum photon. 2. The first category: The half‐particle has no equivalent in quantum theory. It contains a finite spin particle accompanied by the vacuum electromagnetic (EM) wave of infinite energy. The energy of the vacuum wave is concentrated around the particle and has logarithmic divergence at infinity (still, it is much better than the plane wave, which has quadratic divergence at infinity). In my opinion, the half‐particle experimentally manifests itself in some laser beams but is unjustly treated as a collection of photons or as a plane wave with finite aperture (Gaussian beam). At this stage the classical theory urgently needs to go to experiment. All radiation‐measuring devices need to be overhauled since, according to CED, there exist two separate physical realities: vacuum EM waves and particles. The sensors, naturally, can have different sensitivity to vacuum waves compared to particles.
Keywords: extended classical electrodynamics, electromagnetic waves, classical particles, half‐particles
Received: July 7, 2000; Published online: December 15, 2008